In the early years of my marriage when I would get upset, by husband would listen, then say are you done? I would just look at him and then walk away. After a couple of times I realized he didn’t want to get into an argument. He would let me rant, then we would have a conversation. Yes, I think we all communicate in our own way, my husband “ talked” more with his actions like sending flowers to me at work “just because “.
My husband is a doer too. He wants to fix everything. When I'd come home from school ranting about some kid, he'd try to be supportive saying, "Why don't you throw that kid up against the wall." Then I'd say, "That's stupid. I can't do that." and the argument would begin. Ha Ha! Thanks for YOUR continuing support. xoxo
My husband was good about listening to me talk about my day at year I had 4 boys that drove me crazy, one day as I was leaving for work my husband said “ Don’t let the boys win!” It made me think about how it had turned to a game with them...which I won!
Oh my gosh, LOL!!!! Love that you two are and have always been in love.....That's "Good to know"!! Would seem there are many people in this world that really never have that true everlasting love in their life time. And laughter is a must, at each other and at yourself, XO
Yes men and women have different ways of communicating. After 61 years married to the same guy we are different and alike. We just assume what the other wants. It works , don't try to fix it another way.
We've shared some pretty funny conversations about our communication with our husbands. I could write a book! But we're blessed to have them and they give us fodder for our blogs. 😂
You and I have definitely had some chuckles sharing stories. My husband actually laughed at this one too. Here's to you and I sharing more merry moments with our guys. xoxo
I have always thought you were a perfect couple. I guess you really are because as different as you are you have a great love for one another. Differences sometimes make women disgusted with their husbands and they allow it to be a big problem in their marriage. I often hear my friends say I really wish my husband would do this… or since we are old my husband has not hugged me for a week. They are unhappy. God Bless both of you. You made it work!
This story cracked me up!! YES yes, yes…men and women hear things differently and they respond differently to the way they think they hear them. And I think men are bigger gossipers than women. My ex husband always use the word fine with anything I asked him. Ugh! But that is not why I am no longer with him. L O L. Thanks for bringing back some memories I had forgotten about. And again, it’s OK. Blessings my friend.
When I need a laugh, it's my go-to story. I still can't believe he thought was our daughter. (and he showed it to his friends) Thanks for reading my blog, Elise. xoxo
In my case, Cesar and I are different but we have the same goals, so we have a good time. Neither of us tries to change the other and we accept each other as we are. Now, I have to admit that he is a saint. 😇
That's what I say about my husband too, Elizabeth. You and I are blessed. Having the same goals and values are definitely a major key to a marriage's success. I bet it is beautiful in Peru. Winter is hitting here now. My husband is out getting the snowblower tuned up. I'm thankful for that too. Ha! Take care! xoxo
Thank you. Such a great reminder. Yes, we do communicate differently, without a doubt.
Having this is helpful. Although I do get very frustrated when my hubby is asking me about people and their troubles etc, I get angry knowing he is simply collecting data and it isn't about what can he do to help. Aaargh. That one really gets me. Or after he has spent time with friends or family in person or on the phone I ask, "How are they?" because I care and he answers quite honestly..."I don't know."
Guys (many of them) are sooo different.
Knowing that Men often talk to convey or gather information and Women talk sometimes to feel better, to think out loud, or to create intimacy can really help
Debra ~ you made me laugh with the part about you asking "How are they?" I feel you on that. My husband has coffee with the guys quite often. He comes home like a newscaster reporting the news, but knows nothing more than that. You'd love the book by John Gray. It is so helpful. Here's to better communication for us all... xoxo
Yes we are very different, when I start ranting about anything my husband would say are you done 😂 he don’t like to argue . It will be 44 years for and thriving.
DO YOU BELIEVE MEN AND WOMEN COMMUNICATE DIFFERENTLY? Not having too much experience and never married, I would say yes. We're all different. Even woman to woman, it is different I believe. Thanks Jan.
You are right, Anne ~ so many variables affect communication. I got a kick out of sociology professor once who also used my room. She noticed the materials on my desk about how men & women perceive the world differently because of their physical attributes, therefore, communicating differently. She asked if she could have copies because she said, "You know we don't teach that. We teach all those differences are taught by society." I didn't know if she were going to turn me into the gender police or rethink her position. Ha!
Janice ~ I had a foreign exchange student once who kept snapping his fingers at me when he wanted my attention. Finally, I told him that's how we call animals & I'd prefer he didn't do that. He was embarrassed. But I was more embarrassed when he told me I didn't have to talk so loudly to him -- he wasn't deaf. Ha Ha! Found myself yelling and using a lot of hand gestures with my foreign exchange students. Different cultures really do affect communication exchanges.
In the early years of my marriage when I would get upset, by husband would listen, then say are you done? I would just look at him and then walk away. After a couple of times I realized he didn’t want to get into an argument. He would let me rant, then we would have a conversation. Yes, I think we all communicate in our own way, my husband “ talked” more with his actions like sending flowers to me at work “just because “.
Jan, as always this was a delightful read....
My husband is a doer too. He wants to fix everything. When I'd come home from school ranting about some kid, he'd try to be supportive saying, "Why don't you throw that kid up against the wall." Then I'd say, "That's stupid. I can't do that." and the argument would begin. Ha Ha! Thanks for YOUR continuing support. xoxo
My husband was good about listening to me talk about my day at year I had 4 boys that drove me crazy, one day as I was leaving for work my husband said “ Don’t let the boys win!” It made me think about how it had turned to a game with them...which I won!
Love it!!!!!!!! xoxo
Oh my gosh, LOL!!!! Love that you two are and have always been in love.....That's "Good to know"!! Would seem there are many people in this world that really never have that true everlasting love in their life time. And laughter is a must, at each other and at yourself, XO
Thanks, Brenda! I don't know where the nearly 57 years have gone. We're lucky... xoxo
Yes men and women have different ways of communicating. After 61 years married to the same guy we are different and alike. We just assume what the other wants. It works , don't try to fix it another way.
Congrats on 61 years, Susie! Sometimes it is a mystery how it all works out. Ha! xoxo
We've shared some pretty funny conversations about our communication with our husbands. I could write a book! But we're blessed to have them and they give us fodder for our blogs. 😂
You and I have definitely had some chuckles sharing stories. My husband actually laughed at this one too. Here's to you and I sharing more merry moments with our guys. xoxo
I have always thought you were a perfect couple. I guess you really are because as different as you are you have a great love for one another. Differences sometimes make women disgusted with their husbands and they allow it to be a big problem in their marriage. I often hear my friends say I really wish my husband would do this… or since we are old my husband has not hugged me for a week. They are unhappy. God Bless both of you. You made it work!
Thanks so much, Connie! That's really nice of you to say. It's definitely been entertaining over the years... Thank heavens we can laugh!!! xoxo
This story cracked me up!! YES yes, yes…men and women hear things differently and they respond differently to the way they think they hear them. And I think men are bigger gossipers than women. My ex husband always use the word fine with anything I asked him. Ugh! But that is not why I am no longer with him. L O L. Thanks for bringing back some memories I had forgotten about. And again, it’s OK. Blessings my friend.
Love your comment, Mary. Glad you a laugh out of the story. I still can't believe it. Ha! xoxo
I loved it Jan. This made me bust out laughing near the end. Thank you for sharing this story! It made my day.
When I need a laugh, it's my go-to story. I still can't believe he thought was our daughter. (and he showed it to his friends) Thanks for reading my blog, Elise. xoxo
In my case, Cesar and I are different but we have the same goals, so we have a good time. Neither of us tries to change the other and we accept each other as we are. Now, I have to admit that he is a saint. 😇
That's what I say about my husband too, Elizabeth. You and I are blessed. Having the same goals and values are definitely a major key to a marriage's success. I bet it is beautiful in Peru. Winter is hitting here now. My husband is out getting the snowblower tuned up. I'm thankful for that too. Ha! Take care! xoxo
Here we are in summer, 27 °C and very humid, we are a small but friendly country. I hope you can come sometime. Stay warm. Hugs 🤗
Thank you. Such a great reminder. Yes, we do communicate differently, without a doubt.
Having this is helpful. Although I do get very frustrated when my hubby is asking me about people and their troubles etc, I get angry knowing he is simply collecting data and it isn't about what can he do to help. Aaargh. That one really gets me. Or after he has spent time with friends or family in person or on the phone I ask, "How are they?" because I care and he answers quite honestly..."I don't know."
Guys (many of them) are sooo different.
Knowing that Men often talk to convey or gather information and Women talk sometimes to feel better, to think out loud, or to create intimacy can really help
Debra ~ you made me laugh with the part about you asking "How are they?" I feel you on that. My husband has coffee with the guys quite often. He comes home like a newscaster reporting the news, but knows nothing more than that. You'd love the book by John Gray. It is so helpful. Here's to better communication for us all... xoxo
Yes we are very different, when I start ranting about anything my husband would say are you done 😂 he don’t like to argue . It will be 44 years for and thriving.
I understand that, Lucy! My husband disappears into his Man Cave. Ha! Maybe that's why both our marriages have lasted so long. {{Hugs}}
DO YOU BELIEVE MEN AND WOMEN COMMUNICATE DIFFERENTLY? Not having too much experience and never married, I would say yes. We're all different. Even woman to woman, it is different I believe. Thanks Jan.
You are right, Anne ~ so many variables affect communication. I got a kick out of sociology professor once who also used my room. She noticed the materials on my desk about how men & women perceive the world differently because of their physical attributes, therefore, communicating differently. She asked if she could have copies because she said, "You know we don't teach that. We teach all those differences are taught by society." I didn't know if she were going to turn me into the gender police or rethink her position. Ha!
Generally speaking yes and then when you add a different culture in there it really gets confusing.
Janice ~ I had a foreign exchange student once who kept snapping his fingers at me when he wanted my attention. Finally, I told him that's how we call animals & I'd prefer he didn't do that. He was embarrassed. But I was more embarrassed when he told me I didn't have to talk so loudly to him -- he wasn't deaf. Ha Ha! Found myself yelling and using a lot of hand gestures with my foreign exchange students. Different cultures really do affect communication exchanges.