Thank you for sharing your and Cathey's talent! I admire you both and I don't miss any of your posts! ❤

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Thanks, Elizabeth! We had fun. I think it's so awesome that we are all getting to know and admire each other more & more. I enjoy seeing your pictures of family and hearing about your school. Take care! xoxo

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This is awesome. What a beautiful collaborative project. I think the Encourager is a great name for our Cathey.

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Isn't it? Cathey's the first one to suggest to me that I do a blog and then helped me figure the ins & outs. And still does. Ha! I enjoy our friendship. By the way, Karen, I enjoy reading everything your write. I hope you keep sharing too. xoxo

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Can’t beat a helpful friend like Cathey Cone. She holds your hand but knows when to trust you got it.

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She's definitely a blessing. I'm glad you've got her too. {{Hugs}}

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What a fantastic meeting, I really admire both of you!

Jan, I agree with you, Cathey really is "The Encourageur", incredible, because I wrote a short poem encouraged by Cathey.

I had not yet tried writing poems, precisely because I was concerned with the structural elements in the construction of verses, stanzas and rhymes, anyway, Cathey made me feel so confident that I scribbled a few lines. lol

I loved the poem written by both of you, the way they explored the expressive possibilities that colors and seasons bring to our Imagination is so beautiful. This reminded me of Cornelius Castoriades (in my opinion, Cornelius is the main author of the theme "Imaginary"), who says: "the Imaginary I speak of is not an image. It is an incessant and essentially indeterminate creation of figures, forms, images, from which it is possible to speak about something..."

Looking forward to the next poetic encounter of the two.

A big Brazilian hug to you!

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Thanks, Angela! Yes, sometimes we just need a little shove to get our creative juices going and to forget our fear, our perfectionism. I do not know Cornelius Castoriades. I am going right now to look him up. Sounds really interesting. {{Hugs}}

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Hi Jan, this is beautifully done—what a lovely collaboration. To answer your question, "Do you think there’s a possibility God actually sends signs we CAN see?" My answer is unequivocally yes, but we must be open to seeing them - they aren't always labeled.

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Thanks, Janice! I definitely believe that too. {{Hugs}}

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Both you and Cathey are so talented.Always love reading all your blogs Jan ❤️love the poem’s 🙏❤️

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Thanks, Lynn ~ Poetry is definitely not my comfort zone so it was fun to work with Cathey. I'll keep trying, but I'll probably stick mainly to my little stories. We're kinda stuck in the house now; snow has arrived. Hope all is well with you, Friend. xoxo

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I’m still in the Caribbean weather beautiful,but still looking forward to going home next week( back to reality ) wet wind and snow 😘

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Wow!!! You outdid yourself again this week!! And you chose my favorite 2025 color! The poetry is stunning. I read it all the way through. I typically don't like poetry. My mother tried so hard to get me interested in it but I simply didn't find it fun at all. As I'm aging poetry seems to have a nice place on contemplative days (like this one) for me. So your timing was impeccable. Love, love, love this work. Thank you, and PS: Jan, thank you so much for recommending my publication, I just saw it this morning... I'm humbled and honored, it means a lot from me coming from the lady with the red purse who loves orange. Hugs and blessings to you Jan... stay warm and safe during our Midwest frigid weather :) XX

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Gosh, it is cold, isn't it, Patti? I slept with a hooded sweatshirt on last night. So romantic! Ha! When I reread the blog before posting, I hoped you read it and saw my mention of orange. Funny that happened right when you posted about it. Poetry isn't on the top of my list of likes either, but I wanted to challenge myself. I love finding the hidden meanings (themes) in poetry, the symbolism, etc. though. It's "the hunt" I enjoy the most, I think. I wanted to recommend your page earlier, but it took me awhile to refigure out how to do it. I know my subscribers will enjoy it. xoxo

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I don't know how to recommend others on here. I know there is an option when we first sign up new, but I don't do that until I've had an opportunity to see if the work does in fact inspire forgive value to me as a reader.

Yes, it's cold. I wanted to go for a walk outdoors. Somehow I can't muster up what it will take to stay warm in 20◦ weather (note the symbol isn't right, but I don't know where to find it on this computer, haha, let's ask the lady with the red purse).

There are merits to living in the Midwest during these weather tragedies that are hitting our country so hard. It really makes me grateful. XX

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You can't see visual pictures mentally? Whoa! I never knew such a thing existed! What great luck for you to have found your very own "Encourager". (Please clone and distribute!) The poems are lovely and what an interesting and fabulous way to write. Everyone should have such a wonderful friend/mentor/cheerleader! Yes, I do write poetry, but like everything else I write, it just comes pouring out of me, and once it's done, I couldn't write it again. I often read something I've written a long time ago, and it is like seeing it for the first time. I don't know if that is a "condition" or not!

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My first love is public speaking. That's the only place words "just come pouring out of me." You'll notice that's why I write in a more conversational tone. I like to challenge myself, however, so that's why I did this poetry exercise. I've always known I didn't "see things," but it was only recently that I discovered the name for it and connected to a research group. It was also interesting to read about Glen Keane, the head animator of Beauty & The Beast. He described how he designed the Beast without being able to visualize it. Thanks for reading my blog. I'm enjoying yours too! xoxo

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I think I would love public speaking too, except nobody wants to hear me! To be honest, I haven't seriously tried to find an outlet. As of yet!

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I bet you would too. And people would love it! I taught public speaking at both the high school & college levels for nearly 40 years so I have a lot of local contacts. When The Rotary, The Lenten Luncheon, a women's retreat is desperate for a speaker, they pull out my name. Ha! It's fun and I always jump at the chance.

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I remember you and Cathey doing this before and enjoyed it then as well. I loved reading the poems you and Cathey put together. Both of you work so well together it’s amazing. I found I like to write but have a hard time with it because I lose it going from my brain to the paper. I can’t vision things as well my brain doesn’t work that way. When you take your research class I would love a lesson from the little old lady with the red purse. Thank you Jan for always keeping me smiling. And I never miss anything you write.

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Hi Shari ~ it is amazing because we do write so differently. I am conversational and Cathey is more refined. I'm glad we could pull it off. As I find out more about aphantasia, I will let you know. It is a fascinating field of study. xoxo

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No I am not writer. My mind wanders to much. Thank you for sharing your talent.

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Oh, Susie ~ you gave me a chuckle this morning. Thanks! My mind wanders so much I'm mentally tired before noon. Ha! Thanks for reading my blog. {{Hugs}}

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