Jan, I am with you. I didn’t smole pot (as they called it). I tried smoking cigarettes as a teen. I never caught on to it. It made everything smell horrible! My mother was a smoker all my life. I wonder what teachers thought back then when their students showed up to school smelling like cigarette smoke. I have never seen a need or desire to smoke “dope”. If it is something that harms other people (impaired driving, violence, etc.) then I am against that. If it eases pain for a cancer patient, who am I to say they shouldn’t have it?

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Hi, Debbie ~We're a like! I tried cigarettes when I was in college. Got up to seven puffs & almost gagged. I've got a really sensitive sniffer. If some one has marijuana smoke on their coat, my sinuses immediately clog up & I get a funny taste in my mouth. I always say I'd make a great drug dog for the Sheriff's Dept. Ha Ha! I'm getting nearer & nearer to the "live & let live" stage of life. Thanks for commenting! xoxo

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I don't smoke pot. I hated it. And I must confess I don't really hang or like people who do smoke. There is a dullness in most that I simply want to roll my eyes when we try and converse. I don't know many athletes with clear, sound minds, and great physical strengths that smoke it either. I'm sure there are reasons for it, but recreational isn't one of them (for me). I recently tried a gummy for pain and it did nothing but get me higher than a Georgia pine tree for 12 hours and that as they say is that!

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Oh, Patti, I was really waiting to hear from you. I love reading your blog. You have taught me a lot. {{Hugs}}

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Oh Jan, I love reading your blog too. It's always a highlight in my mailbox!

I really appreciate your compliment, thank you. I'm on the fence about coming back writing... I've been told to write more niche, and less journaling, haha. One thing I decided so far was that I'm not changing my style of writing... not for Substack. People don't HAVE to subscribe, I leave the pay wall as an option.

Anyway power to those of us who don't need to take mind-altering substances for recreation or pain relief!!

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But did you feel pain for those 12 hours? Lol! I can't use gummies either, I don't like how I feel the next day.

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Yes, I still felt pain, and foggy on top of that. I was so spaced out all I could do was eat and watch TV, something I never typically do. For me, pot is yuck!

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I pigged out on peanut butter pretzels, ate way too many, got sick , last time for me.

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Jul 24Liked by Jan Stoneburner

Great Blog Jan. Started smoking late teens until finding out I was pregnant around. I have tried one spliff (Didn't appeal to me). One thing I do not like is the smoke from vapes. Yes I still roll my eyes. 🙄

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Hi Anna ~ I tried to learn to smoke in college so I'd be cool. Only got up to 7 puffs. Guess I wasn't cool. Ha! Love that you added to my knowledge in this comment. I had to look up "spliff" -- better known as a "joint" here. {{Hugs}}

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Jul 19Liked by Jan Stoneburner

Never smoked pot or even tried.I did try a smoking a cigarette once when I was young was horrible taste and smell.Another great blog Jan x

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Thanks, Lynn!

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I don't smoke pot either, but I have changed my mind about it - for medicinal use - it may be helpful in that regard. My parents both smoked cigarettes - they actually died from complications of smoking . But I hated it so much - the smell, the ashtrays, all of it, that I refused to even try cigarettes so it would be a real reach for me to ever smoke pot.

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Hi Janice ~ my parents were both smokers, and both died of lung cancer. I just assumed I'd smoke when I grew up. Could never inhale when I tried. Yay! We're both lucky.

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Jul 18Liked by Jan Stoneburner

I think, as we age - there are many changes in our life. I know my taste has changed in food. Food I hadn’t cared for until a couple years ago, now I crave it daily such as oranges and grapefruit, and all citrus fruit. I wasn’t a smoker until I got divorced at age 30, because my friends became smokers. Crazy isn’t it.? But I quit smoking 20 years later, and now I can’t stand the smell of smoke, and it practically gags me.

I have never smoked dope. I know several people that do and I think it’s just an excuse. I have friends that their children do the medical marijuana but they don’t talk about it. This was a great story, and it made me laugh. I love to laugh, and my dog Gets excited when I laugh!

Thanks for sharing this! You always make me smile when I read your stories. Keep writing Jan! Blessings.

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Oh, Mary ~ I get the changes in tastes; I r-e-a-l-l-y like vegetables now. As a younger person, I'd only eat corn and lettuce. Ha! What made you quit smoking? I get why you started. {{Hugs}}

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Jul 18Liked by Jan Stoneburner

Good one!

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Thanks, Vicki ~ I needed to write this because I'm feeling kinda wishy washy on things now that I'm older. xoxo

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