During my teaching career years ago, my Am. Lit students and I always read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 19th C. allegory “Young Goodman Brown.” It was the story of an innocent young man’s terrifying journey into the woods at sunset. Shocked, he found townspeople he had always respected and his wife, Faith, attending a meeting with the Devil. I’ll never forget the words, “Faith,” shouted Goodman Brown. She did not answer, but one of her pink ribbons fluttered to the ground. Young Goodman Brown cried out in anquish, “My Faith is gone!”
Well, as I’ve gotten older, I definitely understand what happened to that young man. I have to admit I’m not quite as innocent and naïve as I used to be either. Matter-of-fact, I can be downright cynical at times. The other night it actually made me laugh it was so ridiculous.
We were sitting in a movie theater waiting for the show to start when I began smelling a strong aroma – it kinda smelled like those Evergreen tree air fresheners my husband insists on hanging in his truck. I thought, “OMG, he didn’t put one of those in his pocket, did he?”
The weird thing is the smell would go away for a while and then come back like a gust of wind.
Ok, that’s when I started getting crazy. I had just finished reading Viktor Frankl’s book about the holocaust and was getting ready to watch a movie about sex trafficking. Could Cinemax been pumping some kind of toxic nerve gas in to the theatre to paralyze us?
I finally settled down after asking myself what in the world would anyone want with a 76 -year- old woman, and I found out it was just the kid in front of us vaping. (Vaping in a theater. Nothing shocks me anymore!)
The movie was so touching I soon forgot about possibly being poisoned. “Sound of Freedom” is the true story of ex-special agent Tim Ballard’s rescue of a Honduran boy and his sister from sex traffickers.
Although the movie opened my eyes to the horrifying reality of the sex trade around the world, I found actor Jim Caviezel’s message – his call for action -- at the end of the movie very inspirational. As he said, we don’t have to lose all our Faith in humanity. We can help defeat Evil by shining a Light on this growing criminal enterprise, by not allowing these people — no matter how well-connected — to meet in the shadows anymore.
Please, go see “Sound of Freedom” while it’s in the theaters. Support the cause. “God’s Children Are Not For Sale.”
It’ll Be OK.
“Why do weathermen include the precise time of sunrise & sunset? As service to the vampire community?” ~ Maxine (the ultimate cynic)
COMMENT: What do you do when you are disappointed by Life?
Very well written and definitely inspiring! When life disappoints me I count my blessings and put them in perspective with my disappointment. Then I ask myself “what can I do about
Saw it last night. I've followed Tim and O.U.R. for some years now and and am so glad there are people like him fighting for right for our children. It breaks my heart that what they are able to do to rescue children and take out those involved is a drop in the bucket. Our world is so broken. I do have to share that our theater was packed and I was sitting next to two women who, when the rest of the theater was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, were loudly munching on caramel corn and when they were done, they flossed their teeth. IN THE THEATER! Oy. Some days I need extra patience with humankind. But God bless Tim Ballard and his team and those who support them. Nice blog, Jan!